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Helping Hands Clothing Closet

Events. At Gay & Lesbian Community Center Of Baltimore , 2530 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD. United states.

Monday September 24 2018, 1:00pm



During the summer of 2015, the GLCCB charged a group of young people with developing an initiative that would benefit the area’s underserved population. In the year since its inception, the Shawnna Alexander Helping Hands Clothing Closet has continued to grow and serve the community. 

“The reason we do the clothing closet is to support our less fortunate family members in the community with the things they need for everyday life,” says Kevin Holt, former Peer Navigator at the GLCCB. “Volunteers, donations, and the support of the community are essential to make this happen every month.”

Donations of new, unopened personal hygiene items and clean, gently used clothes, shoes, cold weather accessories, and coats can be dropped off anytime at the GLCCB, 2530 N. Charles St., 3rd Fl., Baltimore, MD 21218.