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Online Event: BAGLY Nerd Hour

Online. At BAGLY Community Center & Health Clinic , P.O. Box 960814, Boston, MA. United states.

Monday November 30 2020, 6:00pm

Online Event: BAGLY Nerd Hour

Every Monday - 6:00PM to 7:00PM EST

We're hosting Nerd Hour on Zoom! Nerd out with us on topics surrounding pop culture, comic books, anime, fandoms, etc. Open to all LGBTQ+ youth ages 22 and under.
New to BAGLY and interested in joining? Register here: 
We encourage LGBTQ+ youth to join in on our virtual programming, but we do have some guidelines that we ask you to follow:

-Please be on time! We will be going over important information at the beginning of each meeting.
-Please be appropriately clothed.
-If your video is on, be aware of what’s in the video frame.
-Be aware of your volume and the sounds in your environment. --Do not yell/shout into the mic.
-Mute yourself when you’re not talking (to avoid extra noise).
-Do what you need to do to be present virtually. Feel free to stim, stretch, go to the bathroom, take a break, etc.
-If you wish to be anonymous, call in or change your display name/turn your video off.
*BAGLY is free of sex, drugs, alcohol, violence, weapons, peer pressure, and harassment. Examples of violating frees: harassing others over video or chat, having alcohol/drugs/drug paraphernalia/weapons in the video frame, etc.