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Online Event: Digital Dungeons & Dragons With YPI & The Imagination Guild

Online. At Youth Pride, Inc. , 743 Westminster Street, Providence, RI. United states.

Tuesday August 18 2020, 5:00pm

Online Event: Digital Dungeons & Dragons With YPI & The Imagination Guild

Every Tuesday - 5:00PM to 7:00PM EST

Join the Imagination Guild and Youth Pride, Inc. each Tuesday on Discord from 5-7pm for some Dungeon and Dragons!

Dungeons and Dragons is a fantasy tabletop role-playing game that has been a hit since its release in 1974. Each month will cycle through the introduction of "how to play" sessions and actual gameplay sessions.

To gain access to our Discord server, email Dev@youthprideri.org.

*The Imagination Guild is a charity group and program that uses the game Dungeons and Dragons as an empowerment tool to benefit children in need.

Check out there Facebook here: www.facebook.com/theimaginationguildpvd