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Mad Dogs And Queer Tattoos Book Signing Event

Events. At SF Eagle , 398 12th Street, San Francisco, CA. United states.

Saturday April 21 2018, 6:00pm


Special Event Book Price:
$18 per copy
Seniors $15 per copy

Writing in permanent ink, tattoo artist Roberts gives eyewitness voice to the sex, art, and skin it took to create our queer identities after Stonewall. Who doesn’t confess to their tattooist? These urban tales make Roberts’ memoir unique. Authentic. And cool. A master of anecdote from San Francisco to Amsterdam, he builds gay history on the mad kinks of clients. Telling all about tattooing, he reveals truths about surviving gay human life because, for our de ant Archetribe, tattooing is a blood art with needles, existentially suited to rage against AIDS. Empowered by his own lover lost to plague, he puts names to faces of men long gone—men on whose skin he inked images drawn by Tom of Finland, Rex, and Disney. A terri c contribution to San Francisco gay history. So well-written we could have serialized Roberts’ fun, smart, and powerful writing in Drummer itself.
—Jack Fritscher, Drummer editor, author of Mapplethorpe: As- sault with a Deadly Camera and Some Dance to Remember: A Memoir-Novel of San Francisco 1970-1982