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Bear Happy Hour At UpRoar Bar

Events. At UpRoar , 639 Florida Avenue NorthWest, Washington, DC. United states.

Friday November 16 2018, 5:11pm


Bear Happy Hour At UpRoar Bar

DC Bear Crue: Bear Happy Hour 
Proud to be Washington, DC's Original since 2000 

Bear Happy Hour has always been the event in Washington, DC to catch up with all of your friends at the end of a long week. Regardless of whether you are a big burly Bear, a furry little Otter, or just a person looking for a drink at a place that lets you come as you are - this is the place to be.  

Every Friday at UPROAR Lounge and Restaurant.

- Doors Open @ 5:00pm

- Drink Specials till 10:00pm

- $5 Rail Cocktails

- $5 Draft Pitchers (Bud Light / Shock Top)

Free Appetizers will be handed out throughout the night and there is food for purchase off a delicious menu.