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Holiday Drag Quizzo at Bellview Winery in Landisville NJ

Drag Shows. At Bellview Winery , 150 Atlantic Street, Landisville, NJ. United states.

Thursday December 7 2023, 6:00pm

Holiday Drag Quizzo at Bellview Winery in Landisville NJ

Thursday, December 7, 2023 - 6:00PM to 9:00PM EST

Drag Quizzo returns to Bellview Winery for a FABULOUS evening of Trivia, Wine, & Queens just in time to celebrate the Holidays!

Join Drag Queen Sensations, Astala Vista and Ophelia Hotass as you compete in a Trivia event like you’ve never experienced before! Guests will be playing for mini-prizes during every round as well as the Grand Prize for the person/team with the most points at the end of the night! Trivia Categories include topics such as Holiday Movies, Pop Culture, & SO MUCH MORE, all lead by some of the Tri-State area’s favorite Drag Performers!

Tickets are ONLY $30 per person.

