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Online Event: Gender Spectrum

At Youth Pride, Inc. , 743 Westminster Street, Providence, RI. United states.

Tuesday July 7 2020, 4:00pm

Online Event: Gender Spectrum

Every Tuesday - 4:00PM to 5:00PM EST

YPI is ready to get its groups up and running again through the virtual platform Discord!

We are starting with Gender Spectrum a peer-led, peer-focused support group for trans, questioning, gender-expansive and gender-non-conforming youth between the ages of 14 and 23, in the form of a casual social hour. Topics range from the serious to the silly, and always with an emphasis on creating a safe space for youth to be themselves and discuss what’s happening in their lives.GS will continue to be facilitated by YPI Staff Lukas with Dev helping out.

*If you want to join in you MUST contact us so that we can give you the information needed to join our server. This information changes weekly and cannot be shared by anyone except YPI staff so contact us!!! Please contact us via Facebook messenger or you can email info@youthprideri.org.

Meetings will continue to be on Tuesday from 4-5 PM. You are welcome to check out the group and also if you are shy or don't like to talk too much, that is fine! We welcome folx who just want to hang out and listen to what others have to say. See you soon!
