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Online Event: Going The Distance For YPI In Providence RI

Events. At Youth Pride, Inc. , 743 Westminster Street, Providence, RI. United states.

Friday August 21 2020, 12:00am


Online Event: Going The Distance For YPI In Providence RI

August 18, 2020 - 12:00AM to August 31, 2020 - 11:59PM

A group of amazingly dedicated community members has collaboratively launched Going the Distance, and we are so excited to be part of it! Going the Distance is a virtual 5k benefiting Rhode Island non-profit organizations that directly work with youth and foster their socio-emotional wellbeing; especially during this difficult, and more isolating, time of social distancing and distant learning.

What is it? When is it?
The event is a virtual 5k that participants can walk, jog, or run at any time during the month of August. Complete the entire 5k (that's 3.11 miles in total) in one attempt or break up the number of miles to meet your needs/fitness level over the course of days or weeks; that's the beauty of a virtual 5k. As long as you complete 5k/3.11mi between August 1-August 31

How do I sign up? What does it cost?
SIgnup for the 5k here (www.bit.ly/ypi_5k). You will be directed to the signup page and asked to select your entry preference; registration for one participant for $10 or registration with a Going the Distance t-shirt for one participant for $25. After choosing your entry preference, you will be asked for your contact information, which organization you would like to benefit, and if you would like to add an additional donation to the organization. Please note that if you sign up but do not donate anything extra, we still benefit from your entry registration!

Send us photos of you on your run/walk or tag us with the hashtag #GoingtheDistanceforYPI and we'll share your post!

Thank you for all your hard work, Alyssa Mason, Going the Distance RI planner and organizer, Susan Rancourt, CFO of Rhode Races, Savonnara Sok, logo creator, and Sin Seven, t-shirt printer!